- Warning issued by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Tampa Padang Mamuju through their WhatsApp group. Today, Wednesday 22 February 2023, the potential for rain with moderate to heavy intensity which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds in the Majene and Polewali Mandar Regencies in the early hours of the morning. For this morning. Potentially light rain in the West Sulawesi region. During the day and evening it will be cloudy. The potential for light rain can occur in the Polewali Mandar Regency (Bulo, Tubi. Matangnga), Mamasa and Mamuju (Kalumpang, Bonehau). While at night the weather is cloudy. Potentially light rain in the districts of Polewali Mandar, Majene, Mamasa and Mamuju (Mamuju, Simkep, Tapalang, West Tapalang). Air temperature : 16 - 32°C., Humidity : 70 - 95%., Wind : Northwest, 2 - 20 km/h (ucheng) Weather Forecast, BMKG Tampa Padang _Made :February21,2023,17.00 WITA.
West Sulawesi Weather Early Warning, Today Polman and Mejene Alert for Heavy Rain and Strong Winds
West Sulawesi Weather Early Warning, Today Polman and Mejene Alert for Heavy Rain and Strong Winds
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